Amendment of the FORMID

Amendment of the association of the Indonesian "FORMID" in Dresden

§ 1 name and place
The association bears the name "FORMID", which is an abbreviation of "Forum Masyarakat Indonesia di Dresden" and means in German “Forum der indonesischen Gesellschaft in Dresden ". The place of the association is in Dresden, Germany.

§ 2 non-profit character
The association is an organization of Indonesian and all persons, which have the good will to support voluntarily the activities of the association morally and/or materially.

§ 3 purpose
1. The mutual support for the solution of general problems of the Indonesian in Dresden as well as in Saxon.
2. The mechanism for the promotion of cultural relations between Indonesian with Germans and people from the most different countries.

§ 4 membership
1. There are two kinds of membership in the association:
a. Full member - each person, who possesses an Indonesian citizenship. It is active for the objective of the association.
b. Promotion and/or guest member – with feedback function – it can be person, federation or organization, if they are active for the goals of the association.
2. For the admission of the membership a request at deputies must be submitted.
3. The admission of the membership is explained in writing by the executive committee.
4. On the admission, in principle, is decided by the executive committee and members of the board.
5. Minimum age 18 years.

§ 5 rights of the members
1. The full member has an active and passive right to vote and full right to vote.
2. Each full member has a voice during a meeting of the members (mV).
3. The counted vote comes only from full members after § 4 exp. 1a.
4. Promotion and guest members ,after § 4 exp. 1b., have talking and request right in the mVs.
5. Any exception is decided by the meeting of the members.

§ 6 obligation of the members
Each member (after § 4 exp. 1a. and 1b.) is obligated to do the decisions of the meeting of the members.

§ 7 end of the membership
1. The membership in the association ends by free will withdrawal, which is to be explained in writing opposite the executive committee.
2. The membership ends by the death of the member.

§ 8 exclusion
1. A member can be excluded from the association, if it behaves against the amendment or the association.
2. On the exclusion is decided by the executive committee.
3. The exclusion is to be communicated to the member in writing.
4. Before the exclusion, the member is given an opportunity to plea over the executive committee.

§ 9 withdrawal
The withdrawal can be explained at any time in writing opposite the executive committee.

§ 10 contributions and finances
1. Contributions are raised from the members. The height of the monthly amounts is specified by the membership meeting (mV).
2. Finances:
- Incomes of the association are coming from the members, donations, subsidies and association activities.
- Expenditures are for activities of the association and administrative expense.

§ 11 meeting of the members
1. The meeting of the members (mV) is the highest body of the association.
2. The mVs meets at least annually and is resolution able, if more than half of the members are present. The resolutions attain validity if 3/4 of the present members are reached.
3. The mVs has the following tasks:
a. Choice and dismissal of the executive committee
b. Confirmation of reports, budget and contribution order
c. Definition of the emphasis for the further work
d. The changing of amendments and dissolution of the association are according § 13 and § 15
e. Suggestions on the improvement of the organization, the activities and tasks of the working group

§ 12 executive committee
1. The executive committee consists of
- President
- Treasurer
and maximally two further members of the board.

2. The executive committee is selected of the mVs for the duration of one year. The mVs is to be called up in writing 14 days in advance.
- The candidates, who received the majority of the voices from the present members, are selected into the executive committee.
- After the Ballot, the executive committees are assembled and consist of the President, the Treasurer and the Supervisory Board Chairman.
- The executive committee remains in office up to the new election.
- Decision over the admission and the exclusion of members are according § 4 and § 8.

§ 13 resolution of the Amendment
The mVs can change the Amendment only if few 3/4 of the full members are present.

§ 14 recording of the meeting
About the process of the meeting of the members, a note is to be made, which is to be signed by the President and the note writer.

§ 15 existence and dissolution
1. The association exists on unlimited time.
2. In the case of dissolution of the association or if the association lost its past purpose, the fortune of the association falls to another nonprofit organization.
3. On the dissolution of association is decided by the meeting of the members, if only 3/4 of the full members are present and agree with more than 3/4 of the voices.